Semi-detached house in Southall – 6m rear wrap around with Double story side extension with wrap around first floor 3m rear extension & hip to gable dormer loft. 





Extensive modification, interior and exterior, of a semi-detached house to maximize living space for a growing family and create a re-designed porch in keeping with the style of the house. 



Planning permission was obtained for a 5.9m wrap-around two-story extension which enabled the re-siting of the staircase, and facilitate a complete re-organisation of all living areas. 
An open-plan ground floor was achieved, and larger bathrooms and bedrooms secured. The roof was converted from a Hip to gable with the addition of a rear dormer to give a greater sense of space and extra natural light. 
A Newly Designed porch accentuated the unique style of the house and increased its curb appeal. 

Client Comments 

"After two futile attempts to obtain planning permission, we turned to Multicreation for help and met Ajay and Niraaj. They suggested modification and then sought planning permission, which was accepted. 
We now have an aesthetic and spacious family home, and a front porch complementary to the style of our property. 
The project has been stress-free, due to constant, patient dialogue and the organized and friendly nature of Multicreation and is Associates. 
Other work ensued and was successfully completed in the same supportive and genial manner. 
Well done Multicreation; and Thank You!" 


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